Monday, December 7, 2009

Hollywood Wax Before And After Pictures Has Anyone Had A Brazilian Wax? Is Brazilian/Hollywood Better?

Has anyone had a brazilian wax? Is Brazilian/Hollywood better? - hollywood wax before and after pictures

Brazil is, if a little "landing strip" Hollywood is all. I am booked in the morning and I'm scared because they do not use the lounge or a wax before. Has anyone seen or have opinions?


stressed said...

fine - the first time you are ready and can easily embarrsing - but its defo worth slight discomfort and is a time ..... You may want to with Hollywood and the Brazilian next time.

But once he is - it's a nice feeling that lasts for weeks

stressed said...

fine - the first time you are ready and can easily embarrsing - but its defo worth slight discomfort and is a time ..... You may want to with Hollywood and the Brazilian next time.

But once he is - it's a nice feeling that lasts for weeks

Sarah C said...

I had both Hollywood and the Brazilian wax - not much difference between them also, as you say, there is a small group and the other not - is a personal preference, but personally I felt a little strange to have absolutely nothing about him it!

Is this the first time, I recommend that you take pain medication until 15 minutes before the arrival of hand because they can be painful, but if you continue to learn, are regularly not done much to connect every time!

Good luck!

teenylol... said...

Good luck

Karen C said...

I had also done so well, and really not much difference. If you are unsure, ask your stylist to start with a Brazilian. From there, you can always do / it, the band, or completely clear for a Hollywood-text distraction.

I prefer Hollywood to me, just because I love the feeling of softness, but it is certainly a personal preference. When you first got it a bit "weird" look to see everything is gone!

Karen C said...

I had also done so well, and really not much difference. If you are unsure, ask your stylist to start with a Brazilian. From there, you can always do / it, the band, or completely clear for a Hollywood-text distraction.

I prefer Hollywood to me, just because I love the feeling of softness, but it is certainly a personal preference. When you first got it a bit "weird" look to see everything is gone!

Chiara s said...

GT msn soz u know? e-mail me

Emma S said...

Why would you do for you? and pay for it too! What is the world?

I could not get through, have had some of my friends and did not see the fascination at all.

Accout very painful for everyone!

merk said...

I had both and I prefer the Brazilian. It's sexy, without feeling like you're 10 years old. I recommend the use of aspirin, perhaps 30 minutes before hand. It helps the blood a little thinner. Not very funny, but it is worth the results!

merk said...

I had both and I prefer the Brazilian. It's sexy, without feeling like you're 10 years old. I recommend the use of aspirin, perhaps 30 minutes before hand. It helps the blood a little thinner. Not very funny, but it is worth the results!

BunnY BoileR said...

Both r in painful to try to shave

Natalie K said...

It was a Brazilian - perhaps the most painful experience of my life! In addition, the regrowth of itching and shock - just my personal opinion, but I would recommend to anyone! I totally prohibit pubic hair!

monroema... said...

Only shave or use Nair as less expensive and you get the same effect .... But of course if your model and bikini wear anytime after ...

Peace and Happiness

petuliap... said...

hurts ........... lol

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